Monday, May 4, 2009

May xCEL Year End Celebration

MAY xCEL SESSIONS: Year End Celebration
Our last xCEL will be student run! Each student will be sharing highlights and successes this school year. (I will have some questions to ask kids and kids can volunteer for what they’d like to share. I won’t volunteer anyone to talk who doesn’t volunteer. Whew.) Kids are even welcome to send me work (art, writing…) that they’d like me to put up on the whiteboard for all to see. This xCEL will be an opportunity to pat each other on the back for a year well done! I will also have some fun puzzles and such ready to go as needed. Please mark your calendar for May 14 from 1:30-2:30 for our live session. (Please note that this session won’t be recorded or repeated, the only way to participate is live. If you aren’t able to attend on this date, I will kmail you with some questions/reflections.)
· May 12th = Deadline to email me anything students what to share during the xCEL session/celebration.
· May 14th @ 1:30
Remember to sign in (First Name, Last Initial-Grade-Teacher Name ex. April B-4-Sommer)

Friday, April 10, 2009

April xCEL Sessions

Here are the dates for this month’s xCEL sessions. Please remember that live attendance to these sessions is an expectation of our school as outlined in the handbook. Exceptions are made on a case-by-case basis where an alternate assignment can be completed to satisfy this requirement. If you feel that your student could benefit from attending a higher or lower grade level xCEL, please plan on attending the appropriate session.
· K and 1st graders learning about plant concepts
· April 23rd @ 1:30 2nd and 3rd graders learning all about frogs
· April 30th @ 1:30 4th and 5th graders working on Geography
I’ll stay on a little longer for each session for student Q&A and support. Remember to sign in (First Name, Last Initial-Grade-Teacher Name ex. April B-4-Sommer)

Thursday, February 12, 2009

March xCEL Sessions and Prep Rallies

K/1 xCEL History (Time Line and Folk Tales)
w/ Mrs. Sommer
Thursday, March 5th @ 1:30
This session will explore the folk tale character of Johnny Appleseed and create a time lines.

CSAP "Prep" Rally Tips and Strategies
w/ Mrs. Beach
Monday, March 9th @ 1:30
This session will review overall tips to be aware of while doing the tests.

CSAP "Prep" Rally for 4th-5th Reading and 5th Science
w/ Mrs. Miller
Wednesday, March 11th @1:30
This session will give student tips for mastering the reading and science portion of the CSAP.

CSAP "Prep" Rally for 3rd-5th Math and Writing
w/ Mrs. Sommer
Thursday, March 12th @ 1:30
This session will review concepts and organization for the 3-5th grade math and writing CSAP tests.

2nd grade paragraph session
w/ Mrs. Sommer
Thursday, March 19th @ 1:30
This session is for students in LA2 who are ready to learn how to begin organizing their writing. This is geared for 2nd graders but advanced 1st graders are also welcome as well as older students who would benefit from a review.

March 23-27 = CSAP Testing Week in Castle Rock
March 30-April 3 = CSAP Testing Week at Lakewood (Red Rocks Community College) and Aurora (Lotus School of Excellence)
I look forward to our time together as we talk about math concepts. Please feel free to join the session topic most appropriate for you (if you are a 1st grader and plan on coming to the 2nd/3rd grade session, no need to tell me ahead and it is OK to ignore the “we missed you today at our xCEL session email/assignment). You are also welcome to log in more than once. J
February 12th @ 1:30 K and 1st graders working on measurement
February 19th @ 1:30 2nd and 3rd graders working on symmetry
February 26th @ 1:30 4th and 5th graders working on area and perimeter
I’ll stay on a little longer for each session for student Q&A and support. Remember to sign in (First Name, Last Initial-Teacher Name ex. April B-Sommer). If you missed a session and can’t find the recording, remember that ALL the recordings are posted on my blog--

Thursday, January 8, 2009

January xCEL links

JANUARY xCEL SESSIONS: Writing/Language Focus
Here are the dates for this month’s xCEL sessions. Please remember that live attendance to these sessions is an expectation of our school as outlined in the handbook. Exceptions are made on a case-by-case basis where an alternate assignment can be completed to satisfy this requirement. If you feel that your student could benefit from attending a higher or lower grade level xCEL, let me know.
January 8th @ 1:30 K and 1st graders working on prewriting and sequencing
January 15th @ 1:30 2nd and 3rd graders working on sequencing
January 22nd @ 1:30 4th and 5th graders working on story mapping
I’ll stay on a little longer for each session for student Q&A and support. Remember to sign in (First Name, Last Initial-Teacher Name ex. April B-Sommer)