Thursday, February 12, 2009

March xCEL Sessions and Prep Rallies

K/1 xCEL History (Time Line and Folk Tales)
w/ Mrs. Sommer
Thursday, March 5th @ 1:30
This session will explore the folk tale character of Johnny Appleseed and create a time lines.

CSAP "Prep" Rally Tips and Strategies
w/ Mrs. Beach
Monday, March 9th @ 1:30
This session will review overall tips to be aware of while doing the tests.

CSAP "Prep" Rally for 4th-5th Reading and 5th Science
w/ Mrs. Miller
Wednesday, March 11th @1:30
This session will give student tips for mastering the reading and science portion of the CSAP.

CSAP "Prep" Rally for 3rd-5th Math and Writing
w/ Mrs. Sommer
Thursday, March 12th @ 1:30
This session will review concepts and organization for the 3-5th grade math and writing CSAP tests.

2nd grade paragraph session
w/ Mrs. Sommer
Thursday, March 19th @ 1:30
This session is for students in LA2 who are ready to learn how to begin organizing their writing. This is geared for 2nd graders but advanced 1st graders are also welcome as well as older students who would benefit from a review.

March 23-27 = CSAP Testing Week in Castle Rock
March 30-April 3 = CSAP Testing Week at Lakewood (Red Rocks Community College) and Aurora (Lotus School of Excellence)


Mrs. Sommer said...

Here's the K-2 xCEL session on time lines and folk tales.

Mrs. Sommer said...

Here is the recorded link for the CSAP Prep Rally for 4th and 5th Graders on Reading and Science.

Mrs. Sommer said...

Here is the CSAP Prep Rally for 3rd-5th graders on Math and Writing:

Mrs. Sommer said...

Here is the recorded link for the CSAP Tips

Mrs. Sommer said...

xCEL on paragraph writing geared for 2nd graders:
Also, here is the web site link for the fun magnetic poetry that we did at the beginning: